About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
See my complete profile
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  Thursday, July 31, 2008  
Mr. Bubble
That guy really makes my daughter happy. You only have to say "Bub...." and she gets giddy and screams "BUBBLE BATH!!!!!!" I'm so glad a $2 bottle of bubbles can provide a week's worth of clean entertainment for my daughter.


So I've been in a crappy kinda mood today. Probably because I didn't get enough sleep. Oh well, it's my own fault.

I decided on the green shirt and white skirt combo, which is nice because I only need to buy the green shirt and a pink cami to go underneath. Oh, and green flipflops if I can find them to match. idk, I'm excited for a night out on the town. I haven't had one since I was first pregnant with Liz. I'm not out to pick up men, I just want to look hot for once in my life. Be treated nicely ya know?

I've been begging Jim to get me WiiFit for either my birthday or Christmas. I really really really want it. Treadmills are only so fun, as is walking outside. I do plan on joining the gym with Jennifer. It's like $10 a month for this new gym in Scranton! I'm so excited. For $10 more you get access to massages and unlimited tanning, though I really don't need that. I'd burn like a friggon lobster.

Speaking of the wii, that new guitar hero SUCKED. (Aerosmith). It was so short, not hard at all, and you can't do a co-op carreer. WTF. Plus they didn't have my favorite song on there (Don't wanna miss a thing) What a rip.

I'm dying to get my schedule for next week tomorrow. We're supposed to go to Knoebles on Tuesday, but I soooo don't want to go. We're going for the pool they have there. The IL's want Liz to ride kiddie rides. Sorry, but I'm not paying a dollar a ride for her to scream and cry the entire time. Not like I really want to bare a swimsuit in public at an amusement park, but I'll live. They're calling for it to be in the 90's that day, so we might not even be going if it's that hot. (what do they want it to be to go in the pool, 60?) .:.sigh.:.

So I told myself I need to leave my debit card at home whenever I go to work. That is going to be so hard to do. I hate to write checks anymore, so I'll be deterred from spending money without my debit card. Yeah, that's a good plan.

So I went on my old blogsite Nutang today. I was really disgusted at how stupid I was as an 18 year old, and the shit I thought was funny. Man it's amazing how you can mature over 3 years, lol.

Well Liz just strutted by naked, so I'm sure there's a pull up and an accident somewhere on the floor. meh :-(
posted by Chrissy @ 6:15 PM   0 comments
So I finally found an extention cord long enough to hook my treadmill up to a main circuit. Everytime I'd excersie above 4mph I'd kick the breaker in the sunroom. I enjoyed a nice 30 minute jog above 4mph for once, at an incline of 10. Dude that was fun. I actually feel refreshed and with energy! My goal is to drop 10 pounds by the end of the month. My first mini goal of many!

I totally wish I had some sort of fairy godmother that would do my laundry for me. I'm starting to detest laundry. It's never ending. I get caught up and then there's another load to do. .:.sigh.:.

Not to mention Liz totally leaked through her diaper overnight, so now I have her entire bedding to wash. I can't wait till she's potty trained.

It's already 1pm and I've done a whole hell of nothing today. I got a shower after I fixed breakfast for Liz, I did 2 loads of laundry, and I made lunch and excersized while Liz ate lunch. I made my goal of staying up till 3am this morning- just for shits and giggles. I was so proud of myself, and then I crashed hard. I didn't even wake up when Jim went to work. I don't remember getting my goodbye kiss. I don't even care!

I'm trying to find a really cute outfit for the end of the month when I go out with my friends. I told Jim already about my night out, so if he bitches, I'll just sweetly remind him that he had a month's notice.

I'm debating between this:

Or this... not sure which color would look better

I have the white skirt, but I don't know if I'd rather have the green or the blue top. I'll wear a color coordinating cami underneath, white with the black skirt, black with the white skirt.

This is how boring my life is. Lizzy is sleeping and I'm shopping for clothes that I can blow my paycheck on. And I wonder why I took the job at Old Navy.....

so I took that pic from my phone and made another siggy for iV. I need to stop, my rotator's getting a bit full.
Lizzy really is so sweet. She's really starting to LOVE giving kisses to everyone. She plays hard to get around the boys though. Today when she got up, I took her jammies off since they were soaked in pee. She went to her dresser and picked out a white tank top and said 'here mommy, shirt!" We put it on and then she went back and found some pants. She actually matched today!! Pink leggings and a white tank top. She's a fashionista like her momma. At least she didn't dress herself like she did this day:


Yep, hello kitty pj pants and a neon striped shirt. Ahh, toddler fashion.

Back to her sweetness though. When we went out for lunch yesterday she sat next to me in the booth. Before our lunch came she was standing up and leaning her head on my shoulder, and then she just started kissing. I think I got at least 20 kisses all over my shoulder and then a dozen more on my face. She was giving me hugs as well. Something about wet sloppy baby kisses is so irresistable. They're so cute I can't stand it!

But now that I've wasted a half hour of my day writing this blog, I should return to the laundry. Oh how I wish I was Cinderella.
posted by Chrissy @ 9:58 AM   1 comments
  Wednesday, July 30, 2008  
Mutha Ducka
So my lovely friend showed up this morning, only to go away by mid day. What the hell. So I figure fine, I'll just bring something alone JIC. Of course, I leave the house without anything. Just my mother ducking luck.

Went out to lunch with Jim and his best friend Erick. He's also Lizzy's godfather.

Yeah I know.. They look a lot alike.. yadda yadda. We get it all the time.

So anyway, we went to some diner down on Birney Ave in Scranton. It wasn't anything good, but the food servings were just too big. They gave my 2 year old like 9 chicken nuggets and a scoop of mashed potatoes so big it would feed 2 adults. Oh well, makes good leftover lunches that are easy to reheat! And Lord knows moms need ease. Jim and Erick ordered these insanely huge burgers with ham, onion rings, mushrooms, tomatoes, and the kitchen sink on them.


I swear to god I would have taken one bite and puked. Not those 2. Holy hell and Jim finished the entire thing. Erick almost did. I stuck with my turkey wrap sans tomato and couldn't even finish half of it. Then again I did steal some of Lizzy's mashed potatos. Something about potatoes mixed with milk and butter just makes me happy. I blame my period.

After we ate Uncle E bought Liz a bouncy ball and a friggon sticky ball from the little quarter machines. I hate those sticky things. Now I know why my mother detested me getting them. They make a god damned MESS! I still have sticky goo stuck to my jeans where she tried to bounce it off my leg. Good goin' Uncle E. =P

We came back to E's house and I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind. He does have 2 cute ducks, they think one's a boy and one's a girl. They're about a month old. Pretty cute, and super soft. I got to pet a duck today for the first time!


Of course I'm out in the middle of Thornhurst, aka bumblefuck USA so I have no cell phone service inside the house. I was so craving technology that I sat in the car for 10 minutes earlier when the internet went out.

So I'm cranky, miserable, PMSing and ready to eat an entire bag of hershey's kisses. If only I had some Hershey's kisses... Maybe I'll settle for some chocolate skittles instead.

I could have sworn I heard some quote before, but I couldn't find it. I made it into a blinkie anyway. I'm really into that lately, lol. I just use them on my AIM profile because who really wants to read through my entire graphic signature on iVillage. Not me!

Photobucket <- but I have no problem boring you with them!

Speaking of iVillage, I'm so addicted to my mommy friends on April 06. They're amazing and so supportive and caring! I think we have the best playgroup on the entire iVillage parenting network! But I could be bias, as I've been with these ladies for 3 years!

I must admit, I did take a mighty cute pic of Liz and myself at the diner. I love how blurry and artsy it looks


posted by Chrissy @ 5:20 PM   0 comments
I've never been so happy to see the old hag roll into town. Hooray!
posted by Chrissy @ 7:20 AM   0 comments
  Tuesday, July 29, 2008  
Good lord..
So I was browsing my myspace pics because we all know I can't sleep at night like a normal person. I'm running out of things to do! I realized that I may feel fat, but I can tell I've lost a few pounds or so since Christmas...



Maybe it's just me being crazy, but I can tell a difference. Yay me.
posted by Chrissy @ 10:54 PM   0 comments
one hell of a day
So I got a total of 4 hours of sleep last night. I've been going on coffee and caffiene mints all day. The day started fine, went to training at Old Navy and instantly fell in love. They're so relaxed, so laid back, with a killa dress code. They even have a couch in their break room. Hell yeah! Of course Jennifer's and my friend James was our trainer, and he saw us and said "No way, not my Sears girls!" Gave us a good laugh. So I'm already thrilled with my job!
-reppin the ON-


So I get home around 12:30, and make some lunch and eat on the back porch with Jim and Liz. I couldn't even finish my lunch I was feeling so nasty. I grabbed some water and a book and headed into the yard to just relax. I dozed off in my chair so I went back inside and took a HPT, which thank god was a BFN. (Home Pregnancy Test, Big Fat Negative) Just wanted to put my mind at ease. Not ready for another child right now. HELL WOULD FREEZE OVER FIRST!

So with my mind at ease, Jim, Liz and I crawled in bed and took a nap. Well I tried to. A few friends kept texting me asking how my job went, so I got maybe an hour of interrupted sleep. Boooooooo. I laid in bed for about 2 hours though, just texting and resting while Liz slept and Jim went off to cut the grass.

Lizzy left the room and I checked my myspace. I had a message from my stepsister saying "Please Read ASAP" so I did. She told me to call her because my dad's in the hospital. My mind went crazy. My heart dropped below my pelvis and I started to cry. I called instantly and Lizzy comes in, asking "What's wrong mommy??". My dad has pnemonia, and some infection. He's also anemic and having a bad reaction to his diabetes medication. I just pray to god that he will be okay. He has to be, he just has to be. He's all I have left. I don't want to lose my daddy too. I can't even see him tomorrow with Jim's and my day off, because he has plans to hang out with his best friend. I'm so mad, so hurt, so upset. I pray to God to watch over my dad.

Please, if you read this, keep him in your prayers.

I have to go now, dinner's finally ready.
posted by Chrissy @ 4:46 PM   0 comments
  Monday, July 28, 2008  
So here's the whole new somersault routine. She's quite proud of herself actually.


I'd upload the vid I just took of her dancing to "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang but I'm sure I'd get CPS called on me, lol.
posted by Chrissy @ 8:30 AM   0 comments
I hate Mondays.
Title says it all. I hate Mondays. The beginning of the week. The laundry day. Gross.

I didn't even go to sleep until like 2am today because of certain people .:.youuuuu.:. so I'm dead tired. I'm thinking I'm going to take a nap today, at least this afternoon when the husband gets home from work and takes his daily afternoon nap. Must be nice .:.grumble.:.

Tomorrow I start my job at Old Navy at the bright and early time of 8am. 8-12, that's not a bad starting shift to do some training and orientation I'd assume. I'm just so tickled to be able to wear cool stylish clothes and JEANS to work!

I went to pee yesterday and when I was pulling my pants up of course my belt fell in the damn toilet. That was the highlight of my day, haha. Thank god it's cloth and can be washed, so into the machine it went. It irritates me because this crap only happens to me. At least I didnt' drop my cellphone in the toilet like Brittany did, lol

The visit with BIL went okay. It was quite boring, so I came back to our bedroom to chat with some friends and work on my Sex and the City blinkie. Jim and Liz passed out in bed, so I just took my laptop and sat on the back porch in the sunshine. It was so relaxing, and I thank technology for wireless routers.

I'm debating on what to wear tomorrow shirt wise. I'm thinking my new jeans that are super nice and slim me up a bit, and a pink shirt. I love pink shirts. I own too many. Most of my clothes are black and white though, thanks to Sears, so I still have to incorporate them in my work wardrobe. Thank goodness they look good with jeans. I got the cutest blue slip on sneakers at Payless last Wednesday after Jennifer and I got the job. They were on clearance for $9, so how can you beat that for comfortable sneaks? That's right, you can't! I so can't wait to go back to work. I've been so bored these past 5 days but at least they flew by! Maybe that means the month will fly by.... hmm, I'm hoping! :)

Less than 2 weeks until my road trip with Britt. I'm quite excited to get away. I'm sure my dad will be thrilled to see Liz and I. I feel bad for leaving Jim at home, but I just need a break, plus he has to work. Plus then he gets a whole weekend where I'm not begging the guy for sex. That's a whole 'nother rant there though.

I guess I should get off my arse and do something productive, like finishing this load of laundry, or dressing Liz. She is quite content to stay in her dora nightgown though, so maybe I'll just allow that for the day. Not like we're going anywhere anyway.

posted by Chrissy @ 7:47 AM   0 comments
  Sunday, July 27, 2008  
PS Brush!
So I remembered how to make my own brush in adobe, and it worked! Sweet


I don't know if I like the skyline in it or not. I do, but idk if it's too busy.
posted by Chrissy @ 3:16 PM   0 comments
Tres Bored
So I'm extremely bored. I have siggy requests that I need to fulfill and yet I can't even use the computer with all my fonts and brushes on it. Grr. My brother in law and his girlfriend are comming over this afternoon, so Lizzy should be happy.

Speaking of Lizzy she's prancing around naked in a diaper, with sandals and a winter hat on her head. Hm, she's definatly ready for the catwalk in Paris.

I finished my book I got at Borders. That was an amazing book. It's called "Spin the Bottle" and it's just a VERY good read. Best $4.23 I ever spent :)

I'm so excited. Tomorrow is my last day as an umemployed bum!! I simply cannot wait to start my job at Old Navy. The workers in there are super cool and I can't wait to make new friends! Sears can suck my left butt cheek.

I can't wait until September. Cooler air, fall smells, and the realization that I'll be 22 in a month! Also some friends are comming into the area so we're going to get together and see the town!

So I did make myself another blinkie to use on my IV sites of that quote that Jenn made me fall in love with.


I was gunna put the skyline of NYC after "Sex and the City" but I couldn't find a brush, or a graphic that looked right. *sighs*

Lizzy has this vandetta against me combing her hair. She screamed bloody murder today just because I wanted to brush the tangles out. I told her she was lucky I wasn't like MY mother, who would rip the brush through my hair until I practically bled. Guess that's the curse, uhh, I mean BLESSING of curly hair.

methinks I should bow out now though. I should go make myself look presentable in jeans and a tshirt instead of shorts and an old tank top. Plus my face could use some makeup. Right before my friend visits for the month I look like a farking teenager.

peace OUT
posted by Chrissy @ 11:44 AM   0 comments
  Saturday, July 26, 2008  


I'm loving this quote that a friend of mine had on her away message. How much more true can you get?

Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with...
- Carrie, Sex & The City
posted by Chrissy @ 7:26 PM   0 comments
Hello my name is Christine...
And I'm addicted to adobe photoshop!

I'm always searching the IV siggy makers board for new ideas. Check my latest creation that I just made!

Yes, yes, I know I rock. I've come a long way from my paintshop crap I made while pregnant with Liz.

Speaking of Liz, check out my rear facing chica last Saturday on the way to Aunt Britty's grad party.


Took much convincing from me for Jim to let me turn her back to RFing. I ended up showing him the youtube video about the dangers of forward facing too early and I think he finally understood. She's quite content looking out the rear window, so why not!

I've now had my cartilage done for a week. I was so afraid of getting it done, but really, there was nothing to be worried about. It felt like a pinch and then burned and then NOTHING! I can even sleep on it, and people say it hurts too much. Um, okay? I think it's purdy.


So this has been a quite boring day thus far. Hoping it'll rain later and the child and I can go splash in puddles. She loves rain and loves to climb up on the back of the couch to stare out the bay window to watch it rain.

By the way, this morning I was awaken by flashing red lights on our walls and a beeping sound. Freaked out, I looked out our bedroom window and saw a cop car in our driveway by the road, with his lights on. Surrounding our area on the road was a firetruck, EMT van, ambulance, and 2 fire marshall's trucks. I have NO idea what went on, but shortly after I started watching they all left. The Ambulance went up our side road, so guessing he was taking someone to the hospital. I'm curious if it was an accident or if a neighbor is ill or something worse. I'll have to ask the mother in law when she gets home from work, as she left like 5 minutes before I saw the lights.

So now that I've exhausted all my thoughts, I guess I'll go back to my mindless searching of things to do on photoshop!
posted by Chrissy @ 11:40 AM   0 comments
Mio Mao
So my child is totally addicted to this "Mio Mao" show on BabyFirst TV. It's 2 clay cats that get into mischeif. It's kinda cute actually. She literally goes CRAZY if you even start to hum the theme song, which is pretty damn catchy.


posted by Chrissy @ 8:39 AM   0 comments
  Friday, July 25, 2008  
My bestie!
So my bestie and I are going on a road trip in 2 weeks. I cannot wait! It'll be the 3 girls. Me, Liz, and her :) Lizzy adores her Aunt Brittany! We're going up to see my dad and my old high school friends. Word!!! I'm so excited :) We're going to just chill with my dad and go see my other bestie Jackie (who's having my niece or nephew come winter!!) and go shopping and hang like girls do!

I just need a weekend away from drama and stress.


And yet, people always mistook us for sisters when we worked together. I don't see it!
posted by Chrissy @ 8:05 PM   0 comments
And they let me take Liz home from the hospital...
Little bitta background:

We have a hamster. He's a boy. He's a few months old. His name is Snurfles. Liz loves to play with him every morning after breakfast. There's the background.

So yesterday I was in my mad cleaning spree. I realized our poor hamster's cage hadn't been cleaned in awhile, so I cleaned it out for him. I put him in his yellow rolly ball to let him roam the house while his cage dried and such and to give the little fatty some exercise. We played tag with the vacuum for awhlie (he must love it- he kept rolling towards me while I was vacuuming) and then he dropped into the living room. We have a small step down into the living room, so I knew he was safe there and couldn't leave the living room. (He's still in his ball)

Sooooo fast forward to this morning. Lizzy was done with breakfast and she went to Snurfles' cage and said "nurfles?? NURFLESSSSS???" and I looked in there, thinking he was sleeping. His food wasn't touched so I got worried. Then it hit me. I NEVER PUT HIM BACK IN HIS CAGE LAST NIGHT!!! So I'm frantically searching our living room, behind the couch and under tables until I found him huddled back by the bay window, still in his rolly ball. He's fine, he's alive, and happy to be back in his little comfy cage.

I feel like the worst hamster mother ever! lol
posted by Chrissy @ 8:37 AM   0 comments
  Thursday, July 24, 2008  
Testing.. 1 2 3!
So we'll try this AGAIN. I lost my passwords and crap for my old blog, so whatev. Here I am again!

I need a creative outlet to let my juices flow, wether they be good or bad!

So welcome to the blog of me!!!
posted by Chrissy @ 11:52 AM   0 comments