About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Monday, July 28, 2008  
I hate Mondays.
Title says it all. I hate Mondays. The beginning of the week. The laundry day. Gross.

I didn't even go to sleep until like 2am today because of certain people .:.youuuuu.:. so I'm dead tired. I'm thinking I'm going to take a nap today, at least this afternoon when the husband gets home from work and takes his daily afternoon nap. Must be nice .:.grumble.:.

Tomorrow I start my job at Old Navy at the bright and early time of 8am. 8-12, that's not a bad starting shift to do some training and orientation I'd assume. I'm just so tickled to be able to wear cool stylish clothes and JEANS to work!

I went to pee yesterday and when I was pulling my pants up of course my belt fell in the damn toilet. That was the highlight of my day, haha. Thank god it's cloth and can be washed, so into the machine it went. It irritates me because this crap only happens to me. At least I didnt' drop my cellphone in the toilet like Brittany did, lol

The visit with BIL went okay. It was quite boring, so I came back to our bedroom to chat with some friends and work on my Sex and the City blinkie. Jim and Liz passed out in bed, so I just took my laptop and sat on the back porch in the sunshine. It was so relaxing, and I thank technology for wireless routers.

I'm debating on what to wear tomorrow shirt wise. I'm thinking my new jeans that are super nice and slim me up a bit, and a pink shirt. I love pink shirts. I own too many. Most of my clothes are black and white though, thanks to Sears, so I still have to incorporate them in my work wardrobe. Thank goodness they look good with jeans. I got the cutest blue slip on sneakers at Payless last Wednesday after Jennifer and I got the job. They were on clearance for $9, so how can you beat that for comfortable sneaks? That's right, you can't! I so can't wait to go back to work. I've been so bored these past 5 days but at least they flew by! Maybe that means the month will fly by.... hmm, I'm hoping! :)

Less than 2 weeks until my road trip with Britt. I'm quite excited to get away. I'm sure my dad will be thrilled to see Liz and I. I feel bad for leaving Jim at home, but I just need a break, plus he has to work. Plus then he gets a whole weekend where I'm not begging the guy for sex. That's a whole 'nother rant there though.

I guess I should get off my arse and do something productive, like finishing this load of laundry, or dressing Liz. She is quite content to stay in her dora nightgown though, so maybe I'll just allow that for the day. Not like we're going anywhere anyway.

posted by Chrissy @ 7:47 AM  
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