About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Thursday, August 14, 2008  
I love it when..
Lizzy falls asleep holding my hand.


It's definitely so sweet.

I'm watching How To Deal right now. This movie is so sappy and sweet. Makes me happy. I think my fave part is when the grandmother is in the bathroom and the mom knocks on the door and sniffs and says "Mother, are you smoking the cannibus again?" Ahhh it's great.

So I'm only blogging to kill time until I go to bed. That's how boring my life is. Boy I wish I was working. I get to work tomorrow though and then go to my dad's. Hooray! I'm already mostly packed, just need to throw my straightener and brush and toothbrush in the bag. I'll most def have tons of pics to share. At least I better. I can't wait to see my bestie! Yay.

Today Jim and I got in a nasty fight, of course. He yelled at me because I don't know when I get paid. I know it's every other Friday, but not sure if it starts this cycle or next. That's NO reason to call me stupid or retarded. Seriously now, grow the fuck up. I swear to god he can kiss the fattest part of my ass. Yeah, we're definitely in love.

I guess I'll go lay down and enjoy my movie. The husband is playing a video game as usual. No wonder I don't want to save the marriage.
posted by Chrissy @ 5:52 PM  
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