About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Thursday, July 31, 2008  
Mr. Bubble
That guy really makes my daughter happy. You only have to say "Bub...." and she gets giddy and screams "BUBBLE BATH!!!!!!" I'm so glad a $2 bottle of bubbles can provide a week's worth of clean entertainment for my daughter.


So I've been in a crappy kinda mood today. Probably because I didn't get enough sleep. Oh well, it's my own fault.

I decided on the green shirt and white skirt combo, which is nice because I only need to buy the green shirt and a pink cami to go underneath. Oh, and green flipflops if I can find them to match. idk, I'm excited for a night out on the town. I haven't had one since I was first pregnant with Liz. I'm not out to pick up men, I just want to look hot for once in my life. Be treated nicely ya know?

I've been begging Jim to get me WiiFit for either my birthday or Christmas. I really really really want it. Treadmills are only so fun, as is walking outside. I do plan on joining the gym with Jennifer. It's like $10 a month for this new gym in Scranton! I'm so excited. For $10 more you get access to massages and unlimited tanning, though I really don't need that. I'd burn like a friggon lobster.

Speaking of the wii, that new guitar hero SUCKED. (Aerosmith). It was so short, not hard at all, and you can't do a co-op carreer. WTF. Plus they didn't have my favorite song on there (Don't wanna miss a thing) What a rip.

I'm dying to get my schedule for next week tomorrow. We're supposed to go to Knoebles on Tuesday, but I soooo don't want to go. We're going for the pool they have there. The IL's want Liz to ride kiddie rides. Sorry, but I'm not paying a dollar a ride for her to scream and cry the entire time. Not like I really want to bare a swimsuit in public at an amusement park, but I'll live. They're calling for it to be in the 90's that day, so we might not even be going if it's that hot. (what do they want it to be to go in the pool, 60?) .:.sigh.:.

So I told myself I need to leave my debit card at home whenever I go to work. That is going to be so hard to do. I hate to write checks anymore, so I'll be deterred from spending money without my debit card. Yeah, that's a good plan.

So I went on my old blogsite Nutang today. I was really disgusted at how stupid I was as an 18 year old, and the shit I thought was funny. Man it's amazing how you can mature over 3 years, lol.

Well Liz just strutted by naked, so I'm sure there's a pull up and an accident somewhere on the floor. meh :-(
posted by Chrissy @ 6:15 PM  
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