About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Thursday, July 31, 2008  
So I finally found an extention cord long enough to hook my treadmill up to a main circuit. Everytime I'd excersie above 4mph I'd kick the breaker in the sunroom. I enjoyed a nice 30 minute jog above 4mph for once, at an incline of 10. Dude that was fun. I actually feel refreshed and with energy! My goal is to drop 10 pounds by the end of the month. My first mini goal of many!

I totally wish I had some sort of fairy godmother that would do my laundry for me. I'm starting to detest laundry. It's never ending. I get caught up and then there's another load to do. .:.sigh.:.

Not to mention Liz totally leaked through her diaper overnight, so now I have her entire bedding to wash. I can't wait till she's potty trained.

It's already 1pm and I've done a whole hell of nothing today. I got a shower after I fixed breakfast for Liz, I did 2 loads of laundry, and I made lunch and excersized while Liz ate lunch. I made my goal of staying up till 3am this morning- just for shits and giggles. I was so proud of myself, and then I crashed hard. I didn't even wake up when Jim went to work. I don't remember getting my goodbye kiss. I don't even care!

I'm trying to find a really cute outfit for the end of the month when I go out with my friends. I told Jim already about my night out, so if he bitches, I'll just sweetly remind him that he had a month's notice.

I'm debating between this:

Or this... not sure which color would look better

I have the white skirt, but I don't know if I'd rather have the green or the blue top. I'll wear a color coordinating cami underneath, white with the black skirt, black with the white skirt.

This is how boring my life is. Lizzy is sleeping and I'm shopping for clothes that I can blow my paycheck on. And I wonder why I took the job at Old Navy.....

so I took that pic from my phone and made another siggy for iV. I need to stop, my rotator's getting a bit full.
Lizzy really is so sweet. She's really starting to LOVE giving kisses to everyone. She plays hard to get around the boys though. Today when she got up, I took her jammies off since they were soaked in pee. She went to her dresser and picked out a white tank top and said 'here mommy, shirt!" We put it on and then she went back and found some pants. She actually matched today!! Pink leggings and a white tank top. She's a fashionista like her momma. At least she didn't dress herself like she did this day:


Yep, hello kitty pj pants and a neon striped shirt. Ahh, toddler fashion.

Back to her sweetness though. When we went out for lunch yesterday she sat next to me in the booth. Before our lunch came she was standing up and leaning her head on my shoulder, and then she just started kissing. I think I got at least 20 kisses all over my shoulder and then a dozen more on my face. She was giving me hugs as well. Something about wet sloppy baby kisses is so irresistable. They're so cute I can't stand it!

But now that I've wasted a half hour of my day writing this blog, I should return to the laundry. Oh how I wish I was Cinderella.
posted by Chrissy @ 9:58 AM  
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