About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Wednesday, July 30, 2008  
Mutha Ducka
So my lovely friend showed up this morning, only to go away by mid day. What the hell. So I figure fine, I'll just bring something alone JIC. Of course, I leave the house without anything. Just my mother ducking luck.

Went out to lunch with Jim and his best friend Erick. He's also Lizzy's godfather.

Yeah I know.. They look a lot alike.. yadda yadda. We get it all the time.

So anyway, we went to some diner down on Birney Ave in Scranton. It wasn't anything good, but the food servings were just too big. They gave my 2 year old like 9 chicken nuggets and a scoop of mashed potatoes so big it would feed 2 adults. Oh well, makes good leftover lunches that are easy to reheat! And Lord knows moms need ease. Jim and Erick ordered these insanely huge burgers with ham, onion rings, mushrooms, tomatoes, and the kitchen sink on them.


I swear to god I would have taken one bite and puked. Not those 2. Holy hell and Jim finished the entire thing. Erick almost did. I stuck with my turkey wrap sans tomato and couldn't even finish half of it. Then again I did steal some of Lizzy's mashed potatos. Something about potatoes mixed with milk and butter just makes me happy. I blame my period.

After we ate Uncle E bought Liz a bouncy ball and a friggon sticky ball from the little quarter machines. I hate those sticky things. Now I know why my mother detested me getting them. They make a god damned MESS! I still have sticky goo stuck to my jeans where she tried to bounce it off my leg. Good goin' Uncle E. =P

We came back to E's house and I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind. He does have 2 cute ducks, they think one's a boy and one's a girl. They're about a month old. Pretty cute, and super soft. I got to pet a duck today for the first time!


Of course I'm out in the middle of Thornhurst, aka bumblefuck USA so I have no cell phone service inside the house. I was so craving technology that I sat in the car for 10 minutes earlier when the internet went out.

So I'm cranky, miserable, PMSing and ready to eat an entire bag of hershey's kisses. If only I had some Hershey's kisses... Maybe I'll settle for some chocolate skittles instead.

I could have sworn I heard some quote before, but I couldn't find it. I made it into a blinkie anyway. I'm really into that lately, lol. I just use them on my AIM profile because who really wants to read through my entire graphic signature on iVillage. Not me!

Photobucket <- but I have no problem boring you with them!

Speaking of iVillage, I'm so addicted to my mommy friends on April 06. They're amazing and so supportive and caring! I think we have the best playgroup on the entire iVillage parenting network! But I could be bias, as I've been with these ladies for 3 years!

I must admit, I did take a mighty cute pic of Liz and myself at the diner. I love how blurry and artsy it looks


posted by Chrissy @ 5:20 PM  
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