About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Wednesday, August 13, 2008  
2 year olds..
can REALLY push your buttons sometimes. I swear to god she knows everything that gets underneath my skin. Today alone she has proceeded to:

  • dump a bowl of cereal on the carpet
  • slap me with a piece of waffle (COATED in syrup)
  • dump her entire toybox in the living room, and yelled at me to clean it up
  • Pushed against the table and tipped her chair back, almost falling out
  • barge in on me while in the shower and flung the door open for the world to see
  • pull her diaper off through her clothes and piss herself
  • yell at me when I told her to pick up her toys
  • chew up a bunch of hot dog and opened her mouth, letting it fall out
  • whining constantly
  • calling EVERYTHING 'mine' (I canNOT stand this word comming out of a kid, and her father and grandparents condone it and laugh at her)
  • and a bunch of other crap

I can't wait to go to work and get away for awhile. Yeesh. Plus I'm tired and cranky and that doesn't help matters. Argh.

At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel- I get to leave in like 52 hours with my best friend to go see my dad. WOOOOOOO. I just packed for Liz earlier, because I can't decide what to take for her to wear to Church on Sunday. Maybe her dress from her 2nd birthday. I don't know. I'll be easy to pack.

Plus there's only 16 days till BHM with DC!! (club with da chicks) Sah-weet! I can't wait loves <33333

posted by Chrissy @ 11:00 AM  
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