About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Friday, August 1, 2008  
So certain people were being complete assholes when they got home today. Not a hello or anything just "Did you find out when you work next week??" Umm no asshole, you won't let me go to Scranton to get my damn schedule so I have to rely on a friend to get it for me. I have the schedule now that I talked to my friend but Im' not telling him. It's not that good anyway :( Oh well, back to school starts soon. I'm on the sales floor and in the fitting room. Yuckkkk for fitting room, but I'll make do! Sales floor will be dangerous for me, as that's when I'll mess with the clothes and see everything. Yikes.

Plus he's so full of disrespect for his mother. What son tells his mother to leave him the 'fuck alone' and to get away? I really should have looked at how he treats his mom when we were dating, that says it all.

Plus I'm so sick of watching Nickelodeon. There's only so much Spongebob and Fairly Odd Parents I can take. I watch it all day for Liz, and at night for Jim. Ugh. So I just have my headphones in and my blackberry on mp3 player mode so I can rock out to some music.

Lizzy just woke up from a late evening nap. She better go to sleep tonight. Poor thing slept through dinner. Right now Jim's fixing her a bowl of cheerios since that's all she wants. Strange kid.

I so miss my dad. I can't wait, one more week and I can go see him!!! Finally. It's been over a year since I've been to my old house :( I guess that's what happens when you have a controlling husband.


To find that pic I was looking through Liz's 2nd birthday party pics. I love this pic of her. She looks so fresh and so cool. (As usual)


Plus there's something about her and cake. She only likes the icing, but I guess that's a kid thing. Give me the cake and you can keep the icing! In this pic she had already eaten her icing off her cake and she was eating her grandmother's icing while she wasn't looking. Now THAT'S a 2 year old for you. I can see how much she's changed facially already. Wow they grow too fast.


Did I ever mention that I think I'm a supurb child's room decorator? I can't WAIT to decorate her playroom- painting and picking out the decorations. I love to decorate. Maybe I should be an interior decorator!

This was Liz's 2nd birthday present from us. Well, the main one anyway. I spent the entire day 'de-babying' her room and turning it into a toddler room.

Above her bed. The letters have been there since she was born.

other wall of the bed
The bed and her favorite bedding... of course.

above the changing table that's now just a dresser


You can see her bunk beds here

Above the changing table/dresser

the door to her room...

So yes, my 2 year old has an infatuation with Dora. I guess she could love worse, right? Today she surprised me by lining up 3 of her bath toys in the bathroom and saying "Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis!" I was floored. My 2 year old has better spanish speaking skills than my 21 and 3/4 year old self! lol

I guess I should end this post now. It's been nothing but mindless ramble as usual. Shows what kind of a life I have.

posted by Chrissy @ 4:39 PM  
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