About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Saturday, August 9, 2008  
Fruity Pebbles- the new 2 year old crack
So in a mix of guilt and selfishness last night, I picked up a box of Fruity Pebbles instead of the normal Cheerios. Come on, those little round o's get quite boring every morning. My little one is on a huge cereal kick and won't eat anything else for breakfast but homemade waffles, which I don't make too often.

So this morning, I pour Liz a nice bowl of the Pebbles. The look on her face was of pure disgust when I set the bowl in front of her. She picks up the spoon, sticks her tongue on it, contemplates it, and then takes a bite. The eyes widened, she squealed, and dove into her bowl.

Fast forward a half hour, she's running through the house like a chicken on steroids. She slammed into a few walls and just kept going. Right now she's chasing the dog up and down the hall, squealing and grabbing his tail.

Lesson learned: never feed a 2 year old Fruity Pebbles. Unless their father is babysitting for the day.
posted by Chrissy @ 7:33 AM  
  • At August 9, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Hi Chrissy it's Amy from iVillage! I just had to say this post cracked me up sooo much I just had to read it to Tony! I am so sorry about stuff between you and DH. I had no idea. You really don't deserve that and for what it's worth I think you are so pretty. I know it's not the same as some hot guy saying it to you lol. But I do mean it! I am glad you're liking your new job!!

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