About Me
Name: Chrissy
Home: Moscow, Pa, United States
About Me: I'm a 25 year old mother of 2. Elizabeth Carolyn is a bright, enthusiastic Kindergartener who knows everything. Jacob Alexander is a rough and tumble 2 year old little boy who loves all things wheels. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful guy, Jim. I work at a preschool and teach the school aged children. I wouldn't trade my job for anything!
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  Wednesday, August 6, 2008  
first night at Old Navy
I had fun! Whoda thought that work would be fun.

I got myself a 20 minute nap and when my phone went off with my alarm at 5, I wanted to throw it against the wall. Surprisingly, I felt refreshed and ready! Course I had to go to Target before work to pick up a prescription, but I didn't go to Starbucks. Damn. I hit the drive thru at BK for my late lunch of a salad (grody, totally grody) and ate that before I went into work. I was in the mens department today, so it wasn't too bad. It's not as big as the women's section, thank god. I started in feature (the front of the store) and worked my way back. I was done within an hour. All I had to do was straighten and fold. That was the entire summary of my job for the night. I went back to the front and nothing was even out of place, so I just walked the store a bit. I am in love with the new line for women. Butterfly something.. but damn it's so vintage and classic and chic. I was proud of myself, the debit card stayed in my wallett in my locker the entire time until I left the store. I did find an outift I"m going to buy for myself though. It's a nice pair of gray lounge pants with wide legs and a tank top with red and white stripes. Looks nice, flirty, and comfy. I especially love that the tank has the henly style neckline, which is great for my lovely bossom. Not like anyone would notice anyway. .:.grumble.:. But yeah, I'm going to pick that up on Friday when I go back to work. I forgot to pick up my discount cards tonight, so I better remember to do it on Friday. I was out of there by 9 though, since everything was done already. It was a nice slow night. I'm sure Friday and Saturday will make me want to pull my hair out, especially if I"m in womens. Yikes.

I'm quite upset though, as the green shirt I picked out a few posts back is now unavailable in store and online. Boooooo. Now I have to find another nice shirt to go with that white skirt I have. I don't want to look prissy or uptight, but clean, cute and fun! Dangit.

My heart is breaking for one of my friends. She delievered her beautiful baby boy Ethan into the world last week. Little did we know, he was stillborn :-/ I can't even fathom how she feels. It's one of those smack in the face moments, for sure.

Anyway, just wanted to update about my first night back at work. FINALLY!!!!!!
posted by Chrissy @ 9:15 PM  
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